Social for Life – Registration

Pre-Admission Requirements

  1. Children or teens who are struggling with social communication skills
  2.   Children or teens must be interested in attending the program
  3.   Children or teens must agree to participate in the program voluntarily

       Please Note: 

  • Regular attendance is imperative. 
  • Parent Participation is required.



Registration Steps

  1. Phone Interview – Parent and Instructor (30-45 minutes)
  2.   Zoom Meeting – Parent, Instructor and child/teen (45-50 minutes with parent,10-15 minutes with child/teen)

Please Note: 

  • Many variables are taken into consideration in forming cohesive and compatible groups


Social for Life – Social Communication Coaches

Rosslyn Delmonico, MA, RSLP, CCC-SLP, has been a Speech-Language Pathologist for over 44 years both within the private and public school systems.  Author of the curriculum-friendly social language-based program, Color My Conversation, Rosslyn seeks to inspire and equip parents and educators with the necessary knowledge and tools to help children and teens develop social-emotional skills; which will allow them to successfully navigate through their world!

Shelley Lazarus, BA, Certified Teacher, PEERS and Color My Conversation Instructor, completed her Special Education Specialization at the University of Victoria, has been teaching for 26 years and loves supporting children with special needs and their parents.




Social for Life – Rationale

Technology can offer a plethora of avenues for society to connect with others.  It can make us more connected but not necessarily more socially and emotionally grounded in relationships.  This in part, requires self-awareness, social awareness, self-management skills, prosocial skills, and the ability to socially problem solve.  Technology is not society’s adversary but neither is it the solution for promoting social-emotional literacy amongst ourselves or our children.  Relationship is the answer and it can be found as we begin to understand the deep and lasting value of developing social communication skills within ourselves and our children.

Social communication requires building blocks (i.e. vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, etc.) that allow us to understand and express ourselves in either a verbal or written form.  It also requires the ability to successfully follow conversation rules within an encounter (i.e. social pragmatics).  Social communication requires using one’s thinking skills to process what is happening within the social interaction, such as attending to the interaction (i.e. observing our conversation partner), being intentional in how we move through the social interaction, being aware of the emotions unfolding, and being able to adjust oneself accordingly.  One also uses social rules and language (i.e. social niceties) to determine what is appropriate to the situation based on a variety of factors (i.e. age, position, culture).

Social-emotional literacy skills are vital components for our children to achieve academic, social and vocational success.  The way to our children’s minds may be through technology but the way to their hearts will be through relationship; which can be enhanced through strengthening their social communication skills.  It is for this reason that the third edition of the Color My Conversation program has been incorporated within the Social for Life’s social communication classes.  Embedded within the CMC lessons are multiple opportunities to improve and enhance social-emotional connections through the act of conversation.


“Relationship is built through the process of communication.

Communication is enhanced through face-to-face experiences.

Face to Face experiences present themselves in the form of social communication. 

Social Communication requires both skill and intuition.

Intuition comes from being connected with one’s own heart.

One’s own heart becomes connected through experience.

Experience unfolds within the act of conversation.

And that is why our conversations matter!”

RJD, 2023